The importance of marine carbon

Evidence is growing of the central role that Scotland’s marine area plays in our national carbon accounts. It is estimated that 7.2...

May 19, 2020

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Thoughts on the Postponement of COP

Our COP26 Project Manager Kat Jones gives some thoughts on what the delay to COP means for our work. The announcement of a delay to COP26...

Apr 16, 2020

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There will be no going back to ‘normal’

Our COP26 Project manager Kat Jones reflects on the impacts and implications of the past few weeks. At the end of February, I signed up for...

Apr 08, 2020

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Carbon markets are not the answer to the climate crisis

Mary Church, Head of Campaigns at Friends of the Earth, explains why there is ‘no time left to trade’ in her blog. As we look...

Dec 09, 2019

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Malawian farmer explains the devastating impact of the climate crisis at COP25

This opinion piece by Oxfam, SCIAF, Christian Aid and SCCS was published in the Scotsman on 8 December Ellen Matupi didn’t cause the...

Dec 09, 2019

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Half a million gather for Madrid climate march – let’s harness the momentum for Glasgow

In the third of our blogs from COP25 in Madrid, Fiona Buchanan of Christian Aid reflects on being part of one of the biggest Climate...

Dec 08, 2019

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Scottish Parliament has new Climate Legislation

Today the Scottish Parliament voted to support a Climate Bill that commits Scotland to net zero emissions by 2045 and, in a last-minute...

Sep 25, 2019

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Stop Climate Chaos welcomes move to support 75% reduction in emissions by 2030

This is the statement we put out at 1130am when the SNP announced that they would support the Labour amendment for a target of 75%...

Sep 25, 2019

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Last chance to influence MSPs in Scotland’s Climate Bill

One phone call could help make a difference! Urgent Help Needed we have just days to make a difference before the final vote on 25th...

Sep 19, 2019

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Blog: This crisis is uniquely global, and our actions must be global too

By Ben Wilson, Policy Officer at SCIAF, a member organisation of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland. Whilst good progress has been made on...

Jul 03, 2019

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