Blog: 10 years on, still much climate work to be done

By Mike Robinson, Chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland in 2009 and current Board member. Ten years ago today, the Scottish Parliament...

Jun 24, 2019

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Blog: It’s black and white as missed target shows need for urgent action

By Ryan Morrison, Campaigns Officer, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland A climate emergency declaration, a commitment to net-zero emissions by...

Jun 14, 2019

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Guest blog: Our planet’s wildlife is on red alert

By Gina Hanrahan, Head of Policy at WWF Scotland, a member organisation of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland. Each spring in the Arctic, the...

May 30, 2019

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Blog: What now for Scotland after climate emergency declaration?

By Gail Wilson, Campaigns Manager, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland. Climate change has certainly been in the news the last couple of weeks. We...

May 13, 2019

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Guest blog: the intersections between gender, climate and health

Roxana Anez is an indigenous leader from the community of Altamarani in the Bolivian Amazon. She is the President of the Community...

Apr 26, 2019

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Blog: Climate science says we all must do more, faster

By Tom Ballantine, Chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland These last few months have felt like a possible turning point for climate change...

Mar 29, 2019

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Guest Blog: Five reasons modern trade deals are terrible for the climate

By Liz Murray, Head of Campaigns at Global Justice Now Scotland, a member organisation of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland. Any lasting and just...

Mar 27, 2019

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Blog: warm weather and climate strikes

By Gail Wilson, Campaigns Manager, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland I read with interest the Scottish Parliament’s Environment Committee...

Mar 12, 2019

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Guest Blog: Unique opportunity in Scotland to avoid ‘Recipe for Disaster’

By Nylah Rampersad and Jennifer Guy, two masters students from the University of Edinburgh, currently on placement with RSPB Scotland, a...

Mar 01, 2019

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Guest Blog: Businesses want Scotland to lead on climate change

By Gina Hanrahan, Head of Policy at WWF Scotland, a member organisation of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland. Climate change poses many chronic...

Jan 31, 2019

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