Greens launch bid for Climate Emergency Bill – SCCS comment

"We know what we need to do to ensure Scotland plays its part, it's now time for all parties in the Scottish Parliament to join together to rise to the challenge of the science and improve the ambition of this Climate Bill.”...

Dec 06, 2018

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Campaigners encourage First Minister to put Scotland at the fore of climate leadership at UN Climate Summit

Campaigners welcome the news that the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will be speaking at the UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice...

Dec 04, 2018

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Scotland must take heed of UN climate change report

By Gail Wilson, Campaigns Manager, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland Our planet, which we readily take for granted is like no other that we know...

Oct 10, 2018

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Scottish Government must act on UN climate change report

As science on climate change becomes stronger, a new report released today by the UN’s scientific body, the Intergovernmental Panel on...

Oct 08, 2018

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New report calls for ‘decisive and urgent’ action on climate change from Scottish Government

A new report shows that the Scottish Government must urgently strengthen its plans on climate change, campaigners said today (Monday, 24...

Sep 24, 2018

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Scots demand politicians stop gambling with our future

Today, people from all walks of life, from Inverness to Paisley to Aberdeen to Dumfries, joined forces to call for more action on climate...

Sep 19, 2018

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Quantifying the implications of the Paris Agreement: What role for Scotland?

Climate scientists have carried out the first detailed calculation of how Scotland needs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to make a fair...

Aug 26, 2018

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Walking and cycling can tackle climate change now

By Alex Quayle, Senior Policy Officer, Sustrans Scotland (a member of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland) Changing the way we travel is vital to...

Aug 14, 2018

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Scottish Labour announces backing of net zero emissions target

Responding to the announcement today of Scottish Labour’s long-term Climate Change Bill policy, which sets a target for Scotland to...

Aug 13, 2018

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Scotland makes strong progress on cutting climate emissions

Responding to the news that Scotland has met its statutory annual climate change target for the third year running Tom Ballantine, Chair of...

Jun 12, 2018

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