Scottish Government’s Climate Change Bill ‘hugely disappointing’

Responding to the Scottish Government’s draft Climate Change Bill placed before the Scottish Parliament today Tom Ballantine, Chair of...

May 24, 2018

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Why Scotland must set a target of net zero emissions

By Tom Ballantine, Chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland Tackling climate change is an overwhelming moral obligation that we owe to this and...

May 02, 2018

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SCCS reaction to Scottish Government’s Energy Efficiency Route Map

The First Minister launched the Route Map to an Energy Efficient Scotland today at the All Energy Conference in Glasgow. Energy used to...

May 02, 2018

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New Scottish Climate Bill must fix climate plan which fails to deliver

Cabinet Secretary Roseanna Cunningham today laid out the new Climate Change Plan before the Scottish Parliament and faced questions from...

Mar 06, 2018

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Scottish Government Climate Change Plan fails to deliver

The Scottish Government today unveiled their Climate Change Plan which details their policies and proposals to enable Scotland to meet its...

Feb 28, 2018

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Why we should make homes more energy efficient

By Caroline Rance, Climate and Energy Campaigner at Friends of the Earth Scotland & Sarah Beattie-Smith, Climate and Energy Policy...

Feb 01, 2018

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‘We Want to See Double’ – we got there!

By Alex Quayle, Senior Policy Officer, Sustrans Scotland The Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2018-19 promises to double funding for cycling and walking. Alex Quayle reflects on the journey that got us there....

Dec 21, 2017

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Huge majority call for zero emissions by 2050 target for Scotland

The Scottish Government has today published its analysis of over 19,000 responses received to its consultation on the new Scottish Climate...

Dec 18, 2017

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Scottish Budget should be climate-proof say campaigners

This week will see the publication of the draft Scottish Budget with Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) calling on the Scottish Government...

Dec 11, 2017

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What do the UN climate talks mean for Scotland?

By SCCS staff The 23rd annual UN Climate Change Conference (COP23), took place earlier this month in Germany. We look back at what...

Nov 30, 2017

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