SCCS tentatively welcomes additional funding for green transport

The Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) coalition has today tentatively welcomed the Scottish Government’s announcement of an increase to...

Sep 11, 2013

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Scottish Government’s climate plan doesn’t add up

Very little of substance has changed in today’s final version of Scotland’s new climate action plan, the RPP2, from the draft deemed...

Jun 27, 2013

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Scottish voters call for more action on climate change

As part of this week’s #improverpp2 campaign on Twitter, Stop Climate Chaos has put together this short video featuring clips of...

Jun 12, 2013

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Scotland misses second climate target

Responding the news today that the 2011 emission target was missed, Dr Sam Gardner of coalition Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) said:...

Jun 07, 2013

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Letter to the editor: Scottish Procurement Reform Bill

Letter published in the Scotsman Horse meat in kids’ school meals and multinationals’ tax dodging are two recent scandals to have...

Mar 25, 2013

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Significant changes needed to transport plans to reduce emissions

Open letter to Scottish Transport Minister, Keith Brown MSP Dear Mr Brown, We are writing to you today to express our deep concern about...

Mar 19, 2013

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UK watchdog warns of challenges ahead for climate targets

Meeting 2020 goals reliant on EU moving to 30% target An independent UK watchdog has today recognised the Scottish Government has made...

Mar 12, 2013

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Sturgeon urged to prioritise ethics in public spending

Scotland’s largest civil society coalitions in joint call for fair and sustainable procurement Today, the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland...

Mar 07, 2013

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Will fiction become reality?

Alasdair Gray and other leading authors present vision of world affected by climate change. Some of Scotland and the UK’s leading writers...

Mar 07, 2013

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My review of ‘Beacons: stories for our not so distant future’

By Gail Wilson, Coordinator of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland This book has been so many years in the planning. I remember when I first...

Mar 04, 2013

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