Blog: 10 years on, still much climate work to be done

By Mike Robinson, Chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland in 2009 and current Board member. Ten years ago today, the Scottish Parliament...

Jun 24, 2019

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No time to lose in tackling climate emergency as MSPs back net-zero climate target

As MSPs voted to support a net-zero target in law in Scotland today, civil society have said that there is no time to lose in accelerating...

Jun 18, 2019

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Blog: It’s black and white as missed target shows need for urgent action

By Ryan Morrison, Campaigns Officer, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland A climate emergency declaration, a commitment to net-zero emissions by...

Jun 14, 2019

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Scottish Government misses 2017 annual climate emissions target – SCCS comment

Responding to the announcement that the Scottish Government has missed the annual climate emissions target for 2017, Caroline Rance from...

Jun 11, 2019

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Blog: What now for Scotland after climate emergency declaration?

By Gail Wilson, Campaigns Manager, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland. Climate change has certainly been in the news the last couple of weeks. We...

May 13, 2019

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Scottish Government announce net zero target – SCCS comment

Responding to the news today that the Scottish Government has lodged amendments to the Climate Change Bill to set a legally binding target...

May 02, 2019

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Climate Change Committee net zero report – SCCS comment

Responding to the latest Committee on Climate Change (CCC) report,  published today, which underlines the need for more...

May 02, 2019

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Guest blog: the intersections between gender, climate and health

Roxana Anez is an indigenous leader from the community of Altamarani in the Bolivian Amazon. She is the President of the Community...

Apr 26, 2019

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Nitrogen research by Scottish Government is ‘welcome first step’ towards cutting pollution

The Scottish Government today announced new research to understand the environmental impacts from current methods of Scottish agriculture....

Apr 04, 2019

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Campaigners demand urgent action from politicians as clock is ticking to stop climate chaos

Climate campaigners staged a demonstration outside the Scottish Parliament today as MSPs inside debated a new law to tackle climate change....

Apr 02, 2019

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