Chapter 10.2.3 Peatlands

Ban the sale of peat for horticultural use

UK Govt
Scottish Govt
Local Authorities
Emissions reduction
Behaviour change

The Scottish Government recognises the importance of peatlands and is funding restoration to help reduce emissions yet at the same time commercial extraction of peat continues.  The Scottish Government has consulted on ending commercial peat sales and SCCS supports the proposals to phase out the sale (and use) of peat for horticulture.  The Government has also written to local authorities to ensure that they are aware of and exercise their powers in relation to the review of old mineral permissions and that it is actively seeking to get a comprehensive understanding of the location and scale of existing planning permissions for peat extraction.  

Peat is not required for horticulture to flourish. With a fair, well-managed and supported transition, there is a bright future ahead for a fully peat-free, proudly sustainable UK horticulture industry. But legislation is required if this future is to be realised. 

Whilst the proportion of peat in compost has declined over time,  there is a need to go further and faster.  SCCS calls on the government to implement a phase out as speedily as possible, and had previously called for this to be before the end of 2024 at the latest.  However, with this date now not feasible, we urge for this legislation to be introduced without delay, and in coordination with UK, Wales and Northern Ireland’s governments. 

For further information:

Version 1.0: September 2023

The contents of this document will be updated on a regular basis.