Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

At the start of a new year we have learned that 2023 smashed global temperature records and the Year saw frequent, intense storms, droughts and wildfires across the globe. Scotland, led by our devolved representatives, can lead on addressing the dual climate and nature crises and needs to do do as a matter of extreme urgency. There are huge opportunities here for green jobs and growth, peatland restoration, renewables and innovation and we can be on the right side of history.


Never has it been more important to raise our game and address the environmental issues this planet faces. Its not just about climate change its about everything that we are doing to destroy what is natural habitats, the oceans, biodiversity loss, climate justice.... The list is long but we need to tackle it all and at the same time as all the parts fit together like a jigsaw. Scotland has a huge part to play, leading by example. So let's do it. We want our government to do this, we are not just asking we are telling you this is what we want. Everyone in the country wants this whether they know it now or whether its something they realise when its all too late. We, your voting public want this and we speak for those that are too young yet to vote as its their future.


Given the news that 2023 was the hottest on record, I am extremely concerned that progress on cutting CO2 emissions is not happening quickly enough. Time is running out for action to be taken to prevent disastrous climate change, which will cost much much more than measures which will protect the planet and its inhabitants.


I am writing with a plea to increase the pressure on our country to deal with climate change and the effects it is having on communities and particularly the poorer people in society. We need to start now not tomorrow putting in to action legislation to reduce plastic waste and to bring to account those companies that show disregard for action and blatantly pollute our world. They need to be made accountable. Scotland needs to rise up and take the lead to show the way forward and push forward renewable energy and stop relying so much on oil and gas. There is a way forward that will benefit all


As an individual, I have tried to raise the issue of climate injustice with people I meet, but action is urgently required at national and international level


It's time to act before it is too late


We need to take action now to tackle climate change, help nature and provide a secure future for our children


Ensure new connections to the National Grid can be made within 6 months of application with larger projects getting priority. This will allow green electricity projects to go live much more quickly. Currently they are facing delays of up to 15 years. Review the queing system which currently allows small projects to get done more quickly than large ones and also allows speculative applications to be made which can then be sold at a profit. Consider grants for the installation of EV chargers at people’s homes, lockups etc and commercial chargers at hotels, car parks etc. We need to get the electricity revolution moving a lot faster.
