Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

People WILL rise and become as violent as storms are becoming, which will become unstoppable unless party leaders make appropriate policies!


I am a proud Scot and have four grandchildren, two of whom will shortly celebrate their first birthday, and I hope that they will be able to see our country as I did as a youngster. I want them to be able to see the beauty that I saw when I was able to walk our mountains and moors and I am writing on their behalf to express the need to protect our nature and climate. As I am a wheelchair user I can no longer assist in a practical way so please act on this as a matter of urgency.


Please stop pretending that investing more in wind power industrialisation of rural areas will make any impact on the climate emergency. Instead, promote and support any attempts to reduce energy use, protect carbon sequestration and biodiversity, and provided resources and facilities to prepare to welcome and absorb climate and conflict migrating people.


As a permaculture designer, sustainability and rewilding consultant, I understand how important it is to have joined up thinking and a concerted effort from government, business, communities and individuals to meet the crises we face head-on and proactively. I urge you to do more, now, and to pay more than lip service to the problems we face.


In light of the extremely concerning news that 2023 was the hottest year on record and 2024 likely to be even hotter with some months being more than 2 degrees above the pre industrial average. That climate change is taking place faster than many scientists predicted, then dramatically cutting carbon emissions MUST be the driving force behind all government decisions, with its fair application to not disadvantage vulnerable people and to mend our devastated ecosystems.


My name is Dominik, I'm 28 and I would like to bring your attention to this pressing matter. If not for yourself, for us, then for the future generations.


The climate crisis is real and will overwhelm all other concerns eventually. Action is now needed please don't delay any further with discussions and diversions.


We have a 3-year-old granddaughter, a charming and trusting toddler. We have also just heard from the James Hutton Institute that Scotland's climate is undergoing unprecedented change. To protect wee Elsie and her contemporaries we MUST do all that we can, nationally and internationally, to protect our ecosystems (for food, clean water, air to breathe) and reduce fossil fuel use as soon as possible (to reduce climate change). As politicians these are your overwhelming priorities. Come on! Save Scotland and the planet! Do it NOW! Please.
