Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

Deliver action in Scotland on heating, agriculture and transport Support international action on climate change and climate justice


No delays - action now - millions suffering


No new oil or gas sites Increase biodiversity via rewilding End polluting salmon farms from our seas Genuine progress towards reducing our reliance on fossil fuels


Please take note - this is urgent! No more delays. We cannot afford to drag our feet. For the sake of all living things, the health of the planet and our children: take effective action. Be leaders - the world needs strong leadership Make polluters pay. The days of profit at everyone elses expense must end


Scotland should take the lead in actively promoting measures to stop fossil fuel extraction. It can and should be a world leader. It must shift focus to renewables. COP28 is not providing the answers. In thought and deed, Scotland must show the way.


Come together for action not words


Come together and start delivering pledges For our children and grandchildren


Please take climate action seriously as I vote for you!
