Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

The aim is 1.5 degrees max temp increase or our world will change catastrophically. It will change anyway even at 1.5 degrees. ARE WE READY? Please deliver ACTION for our small northern European nation to survive this storm


A just transition for workers from fossil fuel to renewable energy Protect the Scottish nature and people!


Please try to use whatever means are devolved to: - push for renewable energy - extensive conservation of energy via insulatation and homes retrofits - cease developing fossil fuels in Scotland


No new oil and gas Fund and give before you take: invest in EXCELLENT public transport and introduce climate change education for all


Deliver a bold climate plan, and an adaptation plan, and fund it properly


You are still not doing enough


Think: existential crisis in respect of every single decision you vote on, on our behalf please


Please be brave - deliver on commitments - make long term plans to protect people in a just transition. Start with Grangemouth