Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

-Better public transport/encourage less car use - better education on why we need to act - public information campaign to create more support - focus on increasing biodiversity - school treeplanting - ACT NOW - Stop Rosebank! - More renewables - Less meat - Circular economy


Treat the climate emergency as if it were an EMERGENCY


Public transport ie. buses regularly coming and set times Lower prices for public transport See results from sustainable energy School competition/awareness on what we can do for our climate and what is happening internationally


Support and promote regenerative agriculture (net zero or net negative carbon agriculture) Encourage others (+ government) to support regenerative agriculture


Stop Rosebank. It's madness!


Stop Rosebank!


Support fossil fuel non proliferation treaty! Stop Rosebank - it makes no sense for our future. Enable rapid transition to clean energy. Listen to the science!


I have been concerned about the climate and ecological emergencies for more than a decade. I supported communities to increase their knowledge of these crises and facilitate behaviour change so that more people contribute to the changes we need to see to create a resilient future. Well, the future is here - climate change is the new normal - so please do what the science and society are asking and create the frameworks that are needed for our communities to thrive into the future, even if that means upsetting big corporations. Not doing the right thing at this crucial moment in time means you are on the wrong side of history. To be honest, I don't believe this call to action from citizens will work as the change requires commitment (beyond rhetoric) and trust that a different way is possible - there are many examples of how a locally based economy can create a healthier society and planet, for example. This has not been demonstrated by politicians in recent history. However, I live and hope...
