Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

Keep the carbon in the ground!


I have an adult nephew who is autistic, with limited communication skills. He will not be able to understand the devastating effects of global heating that will happen if wide ranging and strident action to halt it is not taken NOW. I am terrified when I think about how he will cope when I, and his parents, have died. I also have two great-nephews of primary school age and I am horrified to think about the world that is being handed on to them and all our young people. But many millions of children and their families in the global south are already suffering the most appalling hardships and dying as a result, because of global heating.

Dr J

Along with many others, I am sure that global warming is a major threat to our chances of continuing to enjoy the pleasant lives we lead in this country.


Make sure that we meet what has been stated as Scotland's climate action claims


1. No more greenwashing about eg. carbon capture 2. Tell the world about the subsidies oil and gas receive 3. Organise the re-training and education of oil and gas workers 4. No more new oil and gas 5. Stop Rosebank 6. Invest and encourage private firms to invest in green energy


You will listen to the science and protect our world for this and future generations


The thing is that it's simple and we all know the facts. We just need to act upon them. We need to realise that we, the people, have all the power. If our leaders don't lead according to our will, then we elect different ones. If companies produce bad products, then we buy other ones. Or buy none at all. Stop Rosebank, stop fossil fuels, stop exploitation, stop looking away. This world could be amazing, right now it is not. You need to make it so.


Campaign/secure divestment with pensions and investment Contact/lobby politicians at local and national level
