Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

Stop allowing developments (buildings, golf courses, factories...) in PROTECTED AREAS


You declared a climate emergency and have done nothing to act on that since....what more do you need to see...?


You won't do anything more important than putting climate action first


Please make renewable energy a priority. Do not further support CCS. Please do not allow oil and gas extraction to go ahead. Stop developments at Peterhead. Do not bail out Ineos! Thank you


I am terrified!!! For my family and friends and those already at the forefront of climate breakdown. I have spent the last 10 years democratically appealing. Is it now time to break the law?


We are told that last year was the hottest on record with an overall temperature increase of 1.48 degrees. Time is running out people. Humanity always good at reactive rather than proactive. Stopping the engines now on a VLCC means it takes approx 6 miles to come to halt, before positive measures can come into effect!!??


Please make the climate emergency urgent! EMERGENCY!! Our planet is on fire and all we do is set targets for 2050. It's truly shocking to see our hopes go up in flames. We shall be remembered as the last generation, the people who let all this happen and simply did nothing! Dilly-dallying with some cycle paths will not be enough. We need 1 gazillion % commitment, if humankind is to have a chance. We need to think truly global, supporting those that need to change and get the hell on with it! It's URGENT!!!
