Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

Start delivering. Don't be self indulgent! Think of the next generation and your legacy!!!


Get the finger out and do something. - Take public control of trains, buses etc - Sort the water supply out NOW


Get on with it! Today's young people are depending on you NOW


Please don't invest in fossil fuels, put an end to new licences and keep the oil in the ground for the future of our children.


Dear Scottish party leaders, Please make urgent fair action to address climate and nature degradation, biodiversity loss and species protection with as much time, budget, resources and creative action as you can, find the people who can help you who really know how our ecology works because I think people who deeply understand how our ecology works and how our human impact affects our ecology as we go about our lives bound to our ecology are rare and hard to find. Act now or continue to act if you have autonomy with your colleagues to make positive changes. Thank you and good luck


We are facing an existential threat in the climate crisis and so far the majority of governments across the world have simply paid lip service to it, making promises to us that have proven to be piecrust promises only - easily made, easily broken and setting so called targets for sustainability and cutting emissions that are meaningless, whilst carrying on with business as usual for big polluters and the economy and business. We the electorate are sick of the lies, deceit and inaction. We see evidence of the changing climate and its effects on our wildlife and biodiversity all around us including in our own gardens and we are doing our best to live more sustainable lower carbon lives. We elected you as our representatives to work for us, to make a brighter future for us and the generations to come but all you and the other governments have done is look after yourselves and the interests of your rich and powerful donors and friends. I want to ask you to acknowledge that 'business as usual' is not an option and I want you to start actually making the changes to policy and action that are needed to help tackle the climate crisis and the threats to our existence that we are all facing. You know what you should be doing - now do it!


After COP28 I am increasingly concerned about the slow rate of action on the climate crisis and urge our leaders in Scotland to be more ambitious in their efforts to tackle the crisis as an example to the rest of the UK and the world.


I have been reading books on nature and the environment for a few years. What I have learnt is that the human species is nature and nature is in crisis. Therefore our survival as a species depends on the health of the planet and all life. Our ecosystems are breaking down, breaking down fast. Decision making must be based on environmental concerns and then those decisions must be immediately acted upon.
