Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

I need to see urgent, fair action to address the climate and nature crises because I am lucky enough to have seen puffins when I went to the Outer Hebrides with my family last year. I have heard that these stunning birds are declining due to climate change because the fish they prey on are being forced to move away from where the puffins nest as ocean temperatures rise. It would break not only my heart, but the hearts of people across the UK, if these charismatic birds became extinct, along with so many other species. I have seen the way people's faces light up when they see a puffin, and no one wants that experience to stop for people on the ferries to the Outer Hebrides. This would be the same reaction if any other species became extinct due to climate change, habitat loss or persecution. I hope you can understand how catastrophic losing any wildlife would be, not just for humans but for the rest of ecosystems as well.


I am deeply worried about the climate and nature crises. We look to you, as political leaders, to act with urgency and at scale to address the twin crises. I have made many changes in my personal life to reduce my carbon footprint and I support others in making such changes. Please will you do all you possibly can to avert the existential threat that the climate and nature crises pose.


For our children to have a safe and secure future the climate must be our number one priority. There is no time to delay. Please lead us to a greener better future.


Scotland is a small country but it could have a huge impact in the struggle to prevent climate breakdown. We just need the Scottish Government to act to create a just and environmentally sustainable society which can lead the way for other nations to follow. We could do this with government support and commitment. You just need to act now!


Unite with nature and Scotland will thrive to be the desired place to visit for its protected wild areas and wildlife. Supporting a proud nation with communities coming together to make changes for a robust climate policy which sets out positive moves and guidelines to reduce emissions and give society the tools to make the changes needed.


Please stop dithering and take positive action to halt the accelerating crises of climate and loss of biodiversity before it's too late
