Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

The time to end all forms of delay for urgent action for both our planet and nature is right here in the moment, right now(!)-- Perhaps now more than ever before.


The Scottish Government has shown great leadership with its support for nature in comparison with the UK Government. The momentum has to be maintained.


I am almost at the end of my life but I volunteer at a local nursery and am often afraid that by the time they grow up the world will be uninhabitable in many places, with shortages of water, power, food and even clean air.


It’s time to wake up guys - you already have passionate cries for action from those most affected by environmental and social collapse and still you refuse to listen - can I ask you - each and every one - to take one day out over Christmas and talk to those in your communities- those in shelters, those working at food banks, within the health services, those running essential services of all kinds, those on the streets, those working in charities and small social enterprises and listen to what they say … listen to those on the front line … those who can tell you more than anyone else what it means to live in a world that is being ripped apart from beneath their feet And then ACT on their advice, for people and the natural world as one in every way you possibly can because the only time we have left is NOW


I really hope you will use your leadership to demonstrate your commitment to truly tackling the biodiversity and climate crises which will only get worse without tough action you commit to and could carry out on behalf of all of us. As you know, people are suffering due to these crises and in a disproportionate and inequitable way. Thank you.


Enough talk it is time for action now, we have no more time to talk we need action. We as a small nation need to lead the way in this and show the other 3 nations that make up the “United Kingdom” how it can be done.


Like me, you must fear that your grandchildren will face more and more destruction of property, communities and life of all creatures, on land and in the sea, through more and more extreme weather events.


Our planet is precious, and we're responsible for the care of it, for us and the animals. The environment around us is better if it is sustainable. Ethical thinking is needed by everyone. We're a part of nature, and we should be with the earth's needs in her time such as this.
