Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

You need to do more, we are literally begging you.


Climate change is the most important issue facing Scotland and the world. We can't afford to get this wrong through inaction, lack of ambition or acting too slowly. I urge you to put climate action at the top of your agenda for 2024.


Please take action now! Our country and indeed our planet needs to be looked after for all our sakes. We need nature and nature needs us. Thank you.


The adopted resolution at COP28 was disappointing in its vagueness. This was sadly no surprise. As leaders of politics in Scotland, and as representatives of the Scottish population as a whole, I strongly urge you to act collaboratively to send a clear message to the UK government and international colleagues - the dangerously evolving climate crisis can only be seriously addressed through making bold and unpopular decisions that will require courageous and sacrificial action. Without that, I fear that the legacy of a global environment we will leave to our descendants will become too hostile for life to remain viable.


Our world is in crisis, not just on account of war, but on account of the on going damage to our climate which affects the poorest countries in our world in a way that the politicians here in Scotland seemingly fail to comprehend or care about. Please take action on the climate and nature emergencies before it is too late.


This message comes from the heart. In my own life I have made many changes to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and to understand how climate justice can be achieved. I love Scotland's natural and cultural heritage deeply and nothing means more to me than it's stewardship for young people and future generations. I would wholeheartedly support politicians who show leadership and courage in securing the fundamental changes needed to shift from fossil fuel dependency and securing sustainable land management. Knowledge and structures exist for this and need your urgent support.


Get serious about just transition across all sectors of the economy - not just oil and gas. Climate change and the task of ecological restoration are strategic issues to address for long-term economic resilience. Your political legacy will hinge on whether you act on that and prioritise action over satisfying the lobbying of short-termist commercial interests who are resistant to adaptation. Please don't treat environmental issues as just more sideshow "politics" to navigate.


The climate crisis is devastating millions of lives around the world as more extreme temperatures and weather become more frequent. Among many other impacts there is terrible loss of life, livelihoods and damage to homes, infrastructure and cultural sites. We need you to take bold and decisive action on the climate crisis now, we have no time to delay for the people of Scotland and in other countries, we need our climate targets exceeded not just met. I am proud of how Scotland has been a global climate leader, please continue to do so. Continue to champion loss and damage and please push for the most polluting industries such as fossil fuel companies to pay for the climate havoc they are causing and to be accountable for it. Scotland has done good work, but this must now be built on with urgency and determination of our leaders.
