Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

Please set the example, be what we need to see in the rest of the world. If we don't then we are only part of the problem that will ultimately kill us all. Remember the children most of all, they will remember you.


You have a responsibility to put in place legislation which is designed to combat the climate and environmental issues we now face. You no longer have the luxury of kicking the can further down the road. You have been given the power to act on our behalf so I order you to do whatever is necessary to reverse the issues we are facing as a result of the stupid and greedy actions of humans beings.


If our children are to have any hope of a full life, you must use your power to act now, urgently and effectively, and face up to the climate and nature crises.


Please listen to what your people are saying and act to prevent further climate harm.


Government urgently needs to act now to prevent nature and our planet being destroyed. The change in our climate is already painfully obvious with stronger winds, huge amounts of rain in winter, and dryer summers. Nature is struggling on an enormous scale.I am a keen bird watcher and it is truly shocking to witness the decline in bird numbers. Farmland birds such as finches have declined up to 50%, nesting waders in the highlands are rapidly losing their habitats and numbers are declining up to 70%. It is nearly too late. You must stand up and lead NOW.


Complacency about the climate is not an option. The consequences of inaction are much too serious. The risks too high.


As we all know by now, climate change and the resultant global warming confronting the world today. It is therefore of the utmost importance that we take steps to minimise its effects, particularly in the developing world, and I would urge you to, as political leaders, to take strong action to deliver a bold and ambitious climate plan that meets or exceeds Scotland's legal climate targets.


Scotland needs to be a world leader of climate action two years on from COP26
