Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

It is intolerable that we all have to go on breathing highly polluted air caused mainly by traffic in towns and cities. There are plenty of alternatives, now including electric bikes and cargo bikes for example; we need strong measures to reduce motorised traffic.


I've been anxious about climate change for more than 20 years and taking practical, personal & community action as well as campaigning for change. I still have hope that there will be a viable world for my grandchildren but change is so slow I often despair for their future. A fair transition from fossil fuels MUST happen before 2030.


Another COP conference full of delegates from the fossil fuel industry still putting profits and greed ahead of the future of the planet. When will world leaders take this seriously? What use is a tiny percentage of the worlds population having billions in bank accounts when there’s no where left to spend it, to live or food to eat. I fear for the future we are creating for my grandchildren. COP28 just another COPout.


I work with young people on a daily basis, and the anxieties they experience in relation to the 'end of the world' climate crisis is devastating to watch. They are sad, helpless and powerless. You need to act. Fast.


I agree with robust action to tackle the climate and nature crises, with an additional focus on a sustainable economy, justice for all and without a focus on growth, as advocated by Kate Raworth and similar economists, as advocated and being implemented in parts of Scotland.


I am 86 and have five grandchildren about whose future I worry all the time. However it is not too late if leaders will please act now.


We live in a world where nature is increasingly disappearing and the climate is becoming more and more chaotic. Yet world leaders seem reluctant to do anything about these interrelated crises. We need action. Can Scotland prove itself a world leader on this by not only setting targets, but by taking decisive action to turn things around?


Witnessing what has recently taken place at COP28 in Dubai simply reinforces the fact that fossil fuel global consortiums have the power to lobby and get what they want. There is no room for complacency. Action has to be taken on phasing out fossil fuels NOW. If not there is no future for the planet. You know this and need to do more NOW.
