Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

I am deeply concerned for the future of our planet and the legacy that we are leaving for future generations. Governments, industry and individuals need to act responsibly to avert climate calamity.


We only have one planet. Scotland can show it is leading the world on climate action but it must step up a gear. My children's future depends on it.


After the very recent announcement about the rise in global temperatures along with the the consequences in terms of food sustainability, population migrations etc I would urge you to act now to mitigate the possible effects of global warming and climate change. How can we possibly answer our children and grandchildren who may say that we were warned but chose to listen to those with vested interests in keeping the status quo.


On every possible occasion, work cross-party lines implementing chaos-diminishing policies. Elevate improved public transport across the whole of Scotland involving ferries, rail and bus services, as a key policy issue, thus creating less need for car journeys. In line with above deny further licenses for drilling for oil and gas and increase production of green energy


Having studied, worked and participated in education, energy, environmental, health & climate action areas for over 3 decades, I know there is no issue to address bigger than this. If you value your children and theirs, you simply have to do more for the survival of our beautiful biosphere and human life itself. It is as simple as that.
