Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

Throughout history, Scotland and its people have had a huge impact all over the world. Let’s make sure that continues. Let’s stand up and do the right thing and combat climate change. Show by example. We can’t control what some of the big countries choose to do, but we can do it right in our small country. As a 70-year-old grandma of nine, I cannot bear the thought that I am complicit in making their future lives hard and nasty.


In the face of resistance's by parties benefiting from current planet destroying practices, Scotland must show leadership in overcoming their economic and political power.


The world is at tipping point now! There is no room for further negotiations. Absolutely no more gas or oil must be produced everything should be focused on renewable energies. Too many vulnerable islands are at stake, people’s lives are at risk. The world needs to stop committing suicide and start creating life.


We need urgent action to tackle the climate and nature crisis NOW.


It's not too late but the longer we delay taking radical action the worse the socially unjust consequences of the climate breakdown will be.


While this is a delicate balancing act for Scotland, and particularly the NE where I live, we must accelerate our efforts to phase out fossil fuels and develop alternatives.


It is our duty and responsibility to act now. There is an opportunity for mutual benefit to society, our planet and humanity. We are a retrofit consultancy in the Dundee area endeavouring to tackle the challenge that faces us to significantly reduce our the energy our existing building stock demands. We are acutely aware of the immense size of the task and that we are currently still adding to this stock with the absence of action on building regulations. The time to start has been missed by decades. We support any move to mitigate not just the damage of the past but the damage we continue to inflict as turn this oil tanker.


I work in Early Years Education. I am also a Food Technologist/Food Scientist and worked in Environmental Health.It is crystal clear that UK Gov and the Govs of the richer nations are completely ignoring the climate scientists and the science that clearly tells us the critical state of nature. Fossil Fuel giants, Meat&Dairy, Agri Chem, are some of the big players/exploiters in the destruction of Earth’s climate,nature, and us. We must have Government that respects the science, rather than prioritising the rich and the shareholders.We must educate the educators and those of us who work in Local Gov. ( Due to Greenwashing many do not realise the urgency of the situation or how to tackle it.) A climate emergency was declared by local authorities, yet very few emergency measures have been implemented by Gov e.g energy efficiencies, moving to plant based diets. Gov allows the promotion of junk food, subsidises for unsustainable food systems, planning permission to billionaires to destroy our sites of scientific interest!! Please fight austerity, which we know is a false economic and will cost us more and more as systems fail. Please promote the science to empower individuals. Please hold organisations and the UK Gov to account.
