Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

Action is needed now to make a difference


Please, get a grip on proper recycling and BAN plastic single use bottles - now. Fund insulation for homes and business across the country.


With the UK being the one of the first industrialised countries in the world, climate action has to be pioneered here. We cant wait for other countries to make the first step, as this is simply unfair. If the UK and the US don't demonstrate with actions that they believe in the cause, then why should any other country act.


There is no second chance, no resit, no later train. There is no benefit of hindsight. The earth does not wait. Through extreme weather events it has begun to shake off the human nuisance. Treat the earth with utmost awe and respect, not plunder. Stop fossil fuels now. Use solar, wind, hydroelectric and tidal energy. Invest heavily in these. Close your ears to individuals rich from fossil fuels and addicted to wealth. You did it during the covid pandemic, please do it again now. I ask this of you, who are governing us. I look to you to use your governance to do this now.


The effects of climate change will only increase until we take effective actions not only to prevent the increase but to reduce CO2 emissions. Restoring nature will help will help in this fight and will make life better for everyone. Many individuals are doing their bit to help; can the governments please do their bit.


The sooner and harder we act on climate, the less the impacts and overall costs.
