Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

The scientists are right. Climate change deniers are hideously and dangerously wrong. The world is suffering extreme weather disruption and people are suffering. Act now to keep fossil fuels in the ground and provide fuel in an eco friendly sustainable manner. Thank you.


There is nothing, nothing more important than our planet. We are blindly walking towards our own destruction. How foolish to think of anything other than taking care of the world-we can't wait.


It is terrible, that as an old person I would not want to be young today. The future looks bleak. Humans are a deeply flawed species and seem to be programmed not just to self destruct but to destroy everything. I don't want to be part of that. You who are in positions of power please make a change. Stop this nightmare.


Please act now, with the urgency that the whole world needs, to tackle climate change. And in the interests of justice, get climate finance sorted, including making polluters pay (which includes Scotland and the UK).


It isn't difficult to make huge profits off oil and gas, but who benefits? Certainly not those whose land is destroyed for those profits. Better by far, to cherish our beautiful plant and live to enjoy it. When we have destroyed our planet, we all go together, rich and poor.
