Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

I have been campaigning for action on the climate and nature emergencies for a quarter of a century and investing as much as I can afford in renewable energy schemes, so it makes me furious that most politicians are still failing to provide the leadership that Scotland, the UK, and humanity as a whole urgently need to save us from a catastrophic breakdown of Earth's systems.


Life has always had its challenges. But previous generations have never doubted that the earth will continue to bring life. But there is a deep grief to live at a time in history when that is no longer the case. Urgent and deep action on climate is partly about survival - the world's life support systems are under serious strain and a tipping point will likely come sooner than expected. But this is also an opportunity, it's a wake up call to realise that we need to radically reshape our culture to put more caring attitudes at the heart of our economy. This is about the need for a deep change in the way we live on this earth - away from the earth as a resource to be extracted and towards a recognition that we are one part of an interconnected web of life, a universe of relationships. There are creative solutions to these problems, but they don't come from the same consciousness that led us into this situation. I'm looking for leaders of all parties to engage at a much deeper level in recognising the deep severity of the crisis, and the radical nature of the solutions we will need to find. Currently we have hardly scratched the surface of what needs to change. It is time to begin.


I fear for the lives of my children, for everyone's children. The natural world is in crisis, a crisis that trumps all other crises. Please ensure Scotland leads the way in robustly tackling these issues, and gives other countries a model of responsible actions to stop the downward spiral. Please step up now!


Let's solve the climate crisis for future generations.


Time is running out for effective action. We need a total commitment to the phasing out of fossil fuels and for the development of renewable resources. Inaction is tantamount to a culpable failure to save the wellbeing of vulnerable communities.
