Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

We need to act NOW. There is no point in waiting until Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling are under water before we try to halt climate change.


For too many years UK Governments have not matched words with investment in the natural environment.


Scotland has an opportunity to lead the rest of the UK in prioritising funding in the natural environment benefitting the mental and physical health of the population.


Please stop these ecologically damaging concrete flood walls being built in Musselburgh and throughout Scotland, and look at nature based solutions.


Pause all the flood schemes, update the Flood Act and put people and nature before profits. We cannot solve the climate crisis by building higher and higher walls.


I am nearly 80 years old and am passionate about the need for us to change our ways. There are things we can do personally as well as as a nation, to mitigate the effects of climate change. Above all though we need systemic change from government to protect nature and create a sustainable environment for our young people.


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