Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

The money being spent dealing with the climate disasters, flooding, fires, etc should have been used years ago to prevent where we are now. The climate waiting for us in the years to come can still be eased, too late to be avoided, but action must be taken now to reach carbon negative Scotland.


2023 the hottest year on record and politicians the world over don't care, all they want is votes. It's not easy but major action is required or we are literally "all doomed" as Private Fraser used to say. Does nobody care about the future of the human race?


Time is running out to take meaningful action to address the climate and nature crises. My children are growing up horrified by the lack of care being taken to protect the planet. They are not yet terrified about what the future will be like for them, but I am and it's hard to hide it - or my anger about the harm climate change is causing to communities across the word. My children and I need hope that our government will take real action for climate justice and treat these issues with the overwhelming urgency they deserve.


We need brave leaders who can make a real difference now.


Support a just transition to renewables instead of fossil fuels that are leading to wildfires around the world and devastating floods in this country.


Please don’t be part of the government that fails to prevent the massive loss of life that climate change will bring. So act now, and be a leader bringing others with you. Let’s have a fairer society where those bringing death and destruction pay the most, and those doing their best or those with minimum impact pay the least.


One of the hottest years yet last year and likely to be worse this year, action on climate change is imperative. All leaders must show exactly that - leadership.


Please treat the climate emergency with the urgency that is needed.
