Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

Use the green revolution now to ensure that Scottish families benefit from jobs which lead the world, through the innovation, development and deployment of practical solutions to our and the world’s crisis.


We only have one planet. Scotland can show it is leading the world on climate action but it must step up a gear. Our children's future depends on it.


Please a) turn rhetoric into action by urgently delivering a bold, ambitious climate plan that meets or exceeds Scotland's legal targets b) please work together with all parties to deliver everything in the plan c) show us what you can do


What could be more important than protecting our planet, our children's futures and all the natural beauty in the world? Please let's not have profit and financial growth be measures of success, that's brought us to where we are today and will only be our downfall. Thank you


I am 88 years old; time is running out for me, and for our beloved planet. Please let me see URGENT action to reverse climate change. Lend your voices to the animals and plants that have no voice of their own.


Please make sure your Party commits to a just transition plan with oil and gas workers, particularly those working at Mossmorran, Grangemouth and Aberdeen.


Addressing climate change, bringing back healthy and wild landscapes, and producing food in a sustainable manner, are core parts of what brings meaning to my life. Until these things are put at the centre of government policy it is hard to make meaningful changes in other areas of life. Please listen to your hearts and change the priorities of daily politics to start addressing the deeper issues. As party leaders you hold so much responsibility for how these issues are framed by wider society. Please stand up with courage and determination, it's time to lead.


Please put the future first: the children growing up need to know the natural world in all its variety and splendour; they need an environment that enables them to live fully, energetically and positively, working in areas that do not pollute, endanger lives (nuclear, coal, using weapons), and that contribute to a cleaner, healthier world (not just here but all over the world.) Action, not words, and a true commitment to no fossil fuels, no weapons of mass destruction and money spent on restoration not colluding in destruction.
