Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

You know what needs to be done. Please stop talking and do it. Thank you.


The climate and Scottish wildlife is a top priority for me. Not just for animal species but for humans. Their mental and physical health as well as avoidance of conflicts over limited resources. There are experts who need consultation, but these must work WITH industries to come to workable and sustainable solutions. For example with farmers, with the building industry, with small businesses. These people know their industries and what can work the best.


Stop issuing new North Sea oil drilling licences or block them in ports in Scotland. Hydrogen power is 1% clean energy so why not invest in that using new technologies?


We need to drastically reduce air travel, educate people about veganism, and plant millions of trees. It is obvious governments are not going to act, they have failed to act for decades. We need to educate individuals to empower them to make choices that will improve all of our lives, and keep our planet habitable for humankind.


I am shocked, if not surprised, to learn that fossil fuel lobbyists met with MSPs a staggering 790 times as per the following: A new report, ‘Polluted Politics: the Fossil Fuel Lobby at Holyrood’, is one of the largest ever investigations into corporate lobbying in Scotland. How can the Scottish parliament have any credence on climate change policies with this level of interference? I’m looking for urgent commitment to turn this around. The headlines on our planets future get worse every day yet we still allow ourselves to be influenced by the few who gain from such meetings.


Scotland should show the world how a country can take action and lead the way on the climate and nature crisis, have politicians who don't go back on their word. Scotland should punch above it's weight to make a real thing impact to try to reverse and improve habitat and species loss as well as carbon emissions.


We have been skiiers for many years and have seen a very obvious change in the snow conditions due to the rise in temperature, caused by climate change, not only here in Scotland but across Europe. This change is also impacting on the winter survival of many animals who's coats change to camouflage winter white against snow that is no longer there! We must act now to prevent further destruction of our planet


We can’t wait any longer hoping for action or have politicians diluting or delaying promises made. All of us should be invested fully in mitigating climate problems and find new creative ways to fund what it will inevitably cost. After all no one has another home to retreat to.
