Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

Call for an end to all new oil and gas licences


Scientific evidence asserts 2023 was the hottest year on record. 2024 is predicted to be even hotter. Emissions are still rising when we need them to be decreasing at the fastest possible rate. This is an existential threat that is being realised before our eyes. Yet there is still political reluctance to act swiftly. You must show through your words and actions that you are reducing fossil fuel emissions and you must make this the top priority.


Here's a decent easy start. Let's show global leadership and ban internal flights. Give something like a five year warning then just do it. It show we're serious about CO2 reduction, there are suitable alternatives and it's really not that difficult to do.

John Paul

We are weary of traditional politics failing to prioritise and finance the bold actions needed to combat the climate and nature crisis which we know will lead to global chaos if not addressed adequately and speedily. We are also getting angry and frustrated with traditional politics because it is under this political style of operating over the past 70 years in particular that all the damaging policies have been put in place by governments, that encourage and subsidise actions by polluters to extract and process for profit, without heed or accountability for damaging effects - to environment, nature and all life on earth and in the oceans and rivers. This has to stop. And for the first time in human history, there’s barely enough time left for effective change - even though the solutions to the issues have been known for decades. Which government will be first to show a different way forward to achieving global net zero emissions along with peace, justice, and opportunities for all to flourish? The Scottish government could, if it puts party politics and ambitions aside (including independence - which I did vote for in 2014). The world is in a state of emergency and it needs to go into war-against-emissions (CO2 and methane) mode. This means: Coalition government - The brightest and best from ALL parties working together to drive forward policies for the common good including the good of nature and biodiversity - not just the lining of pockets of the few… Also policies need to encourage and subsidise localisation NOT globalisation, when it comes to producing the things we need. Finally, the public need to be on board with the changes and new ways needed - which will involve going without or reducing/rationing some things we have become used to taking for granted without thought for the damaging effects. And so citizens assemblies should work hand in hand with the climate coalition government to be part of the decision-making and implementation process. I was an observer during the Scotland’s Climate Assembly process from November 2020 to March 2021. Evidence groups of experts in various related everyday themes, affected by or causing climate change, created a learning journey for Assembly members, ensuring that they heard balanced, accurate and comprehensive evidence about the climate emergency, and different ways of tackling it. After discussions and questions solid practical recommendations (policies) were agreed and approved. The reason why the results of this process were so successful and constructive, was because there was no party political interference - no political groups trying to score points off each other or pave the way for keeping their jobs or power status. We’ve run out of time for all that silly nonsense. We need to change the way we make our decisions to see us safely through the next few years… Unfortunately and disappointingly few of the recommendations in the climate assembly’s report were implemented by the existing (traditional) scottish government. Presumably because it had its own agenda of priorities to ensure its continuation in power. So the views of the people they represent got left behind and discarded. Thus is rubbish second rate democracy in my opinion and change is essential. I hope and pray that this Scottish government has the courage to act boldly and change the way it operates in this unique desperate point in time.


Put people first and protect our country and planet for future generations.


Peace and green action now


We need a just transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy. We need a massive programme of public works to make all buildings energy-efficient. We need to move away from private transport to public transport.


Please help to save our wonderful, beautiful planet
