Your suggestions for climate new year’s resolutions in 2024

We launched our new year’s climate resolutions campaign at the COP28 Global Day of Action on 9th December in Edinburgh, and have gathered hundreds of suggestions from people across Scotland for new year’s climate resolutions for party leaders to commit to.

For long enough, Scotland has wanted to see climate justice to help make poverty history!


I have grandchildren growing up in Scotland. I am so anxious for their future if the Scottish Government does not commit, as an urgent priority, to do all it can to tackle climate change and the other environmental issues we face. I voted for independence at the last referendum because I believed it might be possible to lead a smaller population toward the sorts of changes to our lifestyle and economy that is needed. I hoped Scotland could be a leader in showing that this sort of change could happen, perhaps working with the Doughnut Economic model or something similar. We need leadership at this time, we need bold leaders who are ready to make the right decisions even when those decisions are not popular. We need leadership that can take people with them, inspire people to be part of the change.


I have three grandchildren living in Scotland and am extremely worried about their future - increased rainfall and flooding, sewage in the rivers and sea and lack of facilities to encourage cycling.


It is time that Scotland took the climate crisis seriously. It's happening now and needs action fast. Please put this as a top priority our Earth needs us to take action for it. The damage has been done now we need to put it right! Put a serious plan into place not just promises and sticking plasters!


Stop talking about action on climate change and start acting on it. More action needed on wave and tidal power, get public transport working properly and everywhere. There is not second chance with this, act now or its too late.


Other countries have realised that climate change is an emergency and are taking steps to reduce the damage we continue to inflict on our planet, through switching from fossil fuels to renewable energies, and constructing new houses from sustainable materials with good insulation to reduce heat loss. We are an island nation and we should be harnessing the power of nature - wind and waves - not scarring the earth drilling for carbon-rich energy sources that will only serve to heat our planet to uninhabitable temperatures. Wind power is one of the cheapest energy sources available and it is in all of our interests to wean ourselves off our reliance on oil and gas, particularly now when energy bills are soaring. I realise these changes won't happen overnight, but they must happen, sooner rather than la


With global temperatures now breaking records each month, the climate situation has become critical. We can't expect temperatures to fall the minute CO2 levels stabilise - and they are still going up. We must act now. If we do the maximum now, if we're lucky, temperatures may turn a corner in 50 years, by which time our children will be parents or grandparents themselves. Our best hope is that our children in the later part of their lives will experience a cooler decade than the one before. Until temperatures turn, it's going to keep getting hotter. Please act now to stop new oil drilling and end fossil fuel burning. It is the only hope we have that things will cool off for our grandchildren to the temperatures we have today.


2003 was a very bad year for the world with further climate and crisis in nature. We have extensive flooding in parts of the world to droughts in other parts, pollution in rivers from sewage to oil and the amount of plastics increasing everywhere. There is a lot of big things happening that is beyond the ordinary person to control and change. I have long believed that sometimes this is too daunting for people and we should encourage them to care for creation at a local level and when this is well established it would lead to a more national response.
