Stop Climate Chaos Scotland’s response to the UK Governments climate commitment ahead of COP26 in Glasgow

CALLS FOR MORE AMBITION AS UK GOVERNMENT PUBLISHES CLIMATE TARGET Scotland’s largest civil society coalition, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland...

Dec 04, 2020

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Scottish Government’s pledge to deliver an indicative Nationally Determined Contribution ahead of COP26: SCCS’ response

Scotland’s largest civil society coalition, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS), welcomes the Scottish Government’s pledge to publish an...

Dec 03, 2020

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12 months until 196 countries hold critical climate talks in Glasgow

55 Scottish organisations say COP26 must be a ‘turning point’ for climate justice To mark a year to go until the UN climate talks,...

Oct 30, 2020

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Rich countries such as Scotland must not abandon world’s poorest people amid the climate crisis, warns Scottish coalition

World leaders from rich, polluting countries, must fulfil their promises to support poorer countries adapt to the impacts of climate change...

Oct 20, 2020

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A new report shows that while Scotland has been making progress in reducing emissions, success in meeting our new climate targets is by no...

Oct 07, 2020

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It’s time to empower ourselves and work together for a better future

Blog by Steve McNaught, Arkbound Foundation  As so many of us are aware, the climate crisis is not going away. Reduction of carbon...

Sep 24, 2020

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Finding our way through two emergencies

SCCS Chair Tom Ballantine reflects on how our response to the pandemic can shape how we deal with the other crisis we face and the key...

Sep 21, 2020

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Where is the ‘local’ in our Green Recovery?

We are now firmly in an age of crisis. The global covid-19 pandemic rumbles on; the financial crisis of 2008, which was never fully over,...

Sep 08, 2020

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Transitioning to a circular economy is key for Scotland’s just and green recovery.

By Sarah Moyes, Plastic and Circular Economy Campaigner at Friends of the Earth Scotland For the first time ever, global resource...

Aug 28, 2020

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Our economic recovery must protect and enhance our land and sea

Blog by Andrew Midgley, Senior Land Use Policy Officer, RSPB Scotland Nature really matters. Over the last few months of the Covid pandemic...

Aug 28, 2020

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