The complexity of our food systems and the implications for climate change

By Keesje Avis, Senior Policy Officer and Clerk of Farming 1.5 Inquiry at Nourish Scotland What do you think of when you think of food?...

Aug 28, 2020

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We need a global recovery that leaves no one behind

By Sarah Freeman, Policy Officer at SCIAF The coronavirus pandemic has changed everything. In Europe and the US, we have adapted to a new...

Aug 28, 2020

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Three ways to make our buildings fit for the future

By Amelia Guy-Meakin, Scotland COP26 Coordinator, WWF Heating our homes, offices and other buildings accounts for a quarter of Scotland’s...

Aug 28, 2020

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Harnessing Scotland’s climate example: our call for an indicative Nationally Determined Contribution

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland has asked the Scottish Government to commit to publishing an indicative Nationally Determined Contribution...

Aug 25, 2020

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Scottish campaigners come together online to tackle climate emergency

Climate campaigners across Scotland are finding the enforced challenge of moving online is helping them build links beyond traditional...

Jul 21, 2020

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Interview with Stop Climate Chaos Scotland founder Mike Robinson

An Interview with Chief Executive of RSGS and Founder Member of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, Mike Robinson On 18th June, after 14 years,...

Jun 22, 2020

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2018 greenhouse gas emission data released by the Scottish Government today shows that Scotland has missed its annual target for reducing...

Jun 16, 2020

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Multiple Crises on a Finite Earth: Water, Climate and COVID-19

(Blog by Water Aid Scotland, new members of SCCS) At the end of May 2020, the United Nations made the decision to postpone COP 26 in...

Jun 15, 2020

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COP26 is delayed a year – 3 things we need to do and 3 reasons why it might just work

Those of us who had hoped that COP26 may have been rescheduled to take place in spring or early summer 2021 are now readjusting to a...

Jun 02, 2020

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Coalitions of civil society organisations from across the UK have welcomed the announcement of a new date for COP26, the UN climate talks...

May 28, 2020

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