SCCS welcomes additional funding for cycling

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland welcomes the announcement, from Transport Minister, Keith Brown MSP, of additional funding for cycling. Cycling...

Apr 28, 2014

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UN report presents new climate challenge to Scotland

Scotland’s biggest civil society coalition says a new hard-hitting UN report shows that the country needs to take further action to...

Apr 14, 2014

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Letter to Scottish Climate Change Minister regarding annual emissions targets

SCCS letter to Scottish Climate Change Minister: Paul Wheelhouse MSP Dear Minister, Why Scotland needs to focus on meeting existing annual...

Apr 10, 2014

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Charities say Scotland must play its part to avoid climate chaos

Charities in Scotland say a new UN report on the impacts of climate change underlines the urgent need and moral responsibility for Scotland...

Mar 31, 2014

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Scottish Government should seize the opportunity 
to create a low carbon country

Climate campaigners say a new report shows the Scottish Government must do more if Scotland is to reduce carbon emissions and reap the...

Mar 25, 2014

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Flooding in Scotland shows need for strong climate change targets

David Cameron must remember the casualties of climate change in the UK and around the world when he discusses new European greenhouse gas...

Mar 19, 2014

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Blog series: UN climate change talks in Warsaw, Poland

Sunday 24th November 2013 By Jo O’Neill, Policy Officer at SCIAF (a member of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland) In the dying hours of the...

Nov 24, 2013

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Government of ‘Coal-land’ must prioritise climate change

Campaigners gathered today outside the Polish Consulate in Edinburgh, to highlight concern about the Polish Government’s commitment to...

Nov 18, 2013

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Travelling Tales

A lively new blogging website – Travelling Tales – will feature regular blogs from a small group of people across Scotland taking...

Oct 10, 2013

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Letter to the Editor: Care for Others

Letter published in the Scotsman Climate change and global poverty are two of the most pressing issues facing our world today. Both are...

Oct 10, 2013

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