Media statement: Stop Climate Chaos Scotland reacts to the latest Climate Change Committee report on emissions reductions in Scotland

A report published today by the UK Committee on Climate Change (CCC) assesses Scotland’s overall progress in achieving its legislated...

Dec 07, 2022

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Stop Climate Chaos Scotland press release: COP27 finally ends with historic agreement on Loss and Damage finance but lack of progress on agreeing emission reductions leaves critical temperature threshold dangerously out of reach

Loss and Damage was on the agenda for the first time, and positively, agreement was reached to establish a dedicated new fund for...

Nov 20, 2022

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COP27 diary – Kirstie Shirra

This blog first appeared in The National Arriving at COP by plane may not be ideal but it felt as though the journey gave a snap shot of...

Nov 18, 2022

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COP27 climate talks remain stuck in the slow lane

Thousands take to the streets to call for greater urgency in week two Midway through the global climate talks in Egypt, COP27, a coalition...

Nov 12, 2022

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COP27 diary – Becky Kenton-Lake

A version of this appeared earlier this week in The National We are now halfway through the 27th UN climate talks in the remote Egyptian...

Nov 11, 2022

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Scotland continues to show leadership on loss and damage: all rich nations must urgently address this grave injustice at COP27

SCCS has welcomed the Scottish Government’s allocation of more money specifically for Loss and Damage finance, after it announced...

Nov 08, 2022

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First Minister urged to match rhetoric with action on climate at COP27 to avoid tarnishing credibility on world stage

As world leaders gather in Egypt for COP27, a coalition of over 60 organisations is calling on the Scottish Government to demonstrate true...

Nov 05, 2022

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Response to First Minister’s speech on loss and damage

Responding to the First Minister’s speech on loss and damage at a Scottish Government hosted international conference in Edinburgh,...

Oct 11, 2022

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Scottish Government faces ‘crucial credibility test’ as world experts arrive in Scotland for talks on climate-induced loss and damage

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) says the Scottish Government faces a ‘crucial credibility test’ ahead of hosting this week’s...

Oct 09, 2022

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Press release: Polluters must pay to finance climate justice in Scotland and globally 

Leading global campaigner on climate-induced loss and damage backs coalition’s call for First Minister to “bolster” Scotland’s...

Oct 02, 2022

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