Stop Climate Chaos Scotland Press Release: Response to 2022 greenhouse gas emissions data

  • 18 Jun 2024
  • Press Release

In response to today’s publication by the Scottish Government of the latest data on greenhouse gas emissions, Mike Robinson, chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) said: 

“To miss yet another annual climate target, despite emissions in 2022 continuing to be affected by pandemic restrictions and a mild winter, reflects the ongoing absence of strong climate action by both Holyrood and Westminster governments.”

“These results illustrate the failing that we and many others – including the government’s own climate advisors, the Climate Change Committee – have been highlighting for several years, and action continues to be particularly lacking in heating, transport, and agriculture. The longer action to cut emissions is delayed, the greater the risks, higher the costs, and the longer people in Scotland miss out on the benefits of warmer homes, lower energy bills and cleaner air.”

“The impacts of climate change on people’s lives, nature and the economy are becoming increasingly visible both here in Scotland and in the world’s poorest countries, where those least responsible for causing it are unfairly bearing the cost of its worst effects.”

“People in Scotland want politicians to get on with addressing the climate crisis. To do this, and reverse the damaging trend of missed targets, governments must work together to fairly raise the funds to deliver a just transition and a more equal, healthier society.”


Notes to Editors 

  • “Scottish Greenhouse Gas Statistics 2022” can be viewed here:

  • “The 2022 result was achieved primarily by a reduction in emissions from buildings, principally as a result of ‘elevated fuel prices and relatively mild temperatures at the start of 2022’. Meanwhile, emissions from transport, such as aviation, shipping and road travel, all continued to rise – despite the residual effects of the pandemic.”

About Stop Climate Chaos Scotland:

  • Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) is a diverse coalition of over 70 organisations campaigning together on climate change.
  • We believe that the Scottish Government should take bold action to tackle climate change, with Scotland delivering our fair share of action to limit temperature rises to 1.5 degrees and supporting climate justice around the world.
  • Our coalition members range from environment, faith and development organisations to trade and student unions and community groups.
  • Our work is led by our members and is normally focussed on lobbying decision makers in Scotland, but we also work on UK-wide campaigns when appropriate with our sister organisations in England (The Climate Coalition) and Wales (Stop Climate Chaos Cymru).
  • For more information visit